With DTS, Turnkey is not a Cliché

Dynamic Technical Services' Turnkey Implementation Services Overview:
Inside Plant/DC Power Services

§ Installation of Telecom Equipment
§ EF&I Central Office Transmission
§ EF&I Central Office Power Systems
§ EF&I Advanced Data Systems

§ Network Element Turn-Up & Test
§ Rack & Stack - Create Installation Kits
§ Material Procurement & Logistics
§ Project Management

Outside Plant Services

§ Route Engineering
§ Permitting
§ CAD Design
§ Route Construction
§ Directional Boring

§ Direct Bury
§ Aerial Cable
§ Fiber Optic Cable Install, Test & Splice
§ Project/Construction Management

Civil Facility Engineering & Construction Services

§ Construction/Project Management
§ Design/Build Services
§ Fiber Regen Site Construction
§ PCS Site Construction
§ DREI Construction

§ Terminal Construction
§ POP Construction
§ Switch Facility Construction
§ Raw Land & Tenant Improvement